Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Star Wars Fun

I've had a bunch of Star Wars-related links to the left of my blog for awhile now. But, I thought I'd highlight them, as well as some new ones, in a new blog entry. If you know me at all, you know that I am a Star Wars geek. Granted my fandom had been latent until rumors surfaced that the prequels were going to made! Now with the last of the movies finished and the two new television series on the horizon, I have rekindled my interest in all things Star Wars.

2007 is an especially significant year since it marks the thirtieth anniversary of the release of Episode IV: A New Hope in theaters. There will be plenty of events to celebrate this anniversary. It started with two Star Wars floats in the Rose Bowl Parade in early January this year (including the appearance of many members of the 501st Legion). On May 25th, the Post Office will release a sheet of Star Wars stamps. You can even go to their Web site and vote for your favorite Star Wars stamp. The winner will get his/her/their own sheet!

One thing that I really hate missing is Celebration IV. It is the mother of all Star Wars conventions that is being held in Los Angeles. There will be over 30 Star Wars actors present, including Anthony Daniels and Carrie Fisher, tons of booths, activities, shows, and event exclusives like action figures based on Ralph McQuarrie's original designs.

There are sure to be many more events before this year is out. I will keep you posted...

If you want to listen to a fantastic podcast on all things related to Star Wars, you have to check out The Forcecast. This is the official podcast of two major (but unofficial) Web sites: The Force.Net and Rebelscum.Com. Jason and Pete really work well together and their love of Star Wars really shines through. Plus, they both have a great sense of humor, which makes it even better! They even have their own channel over at You Tube. Take a look at Lando Endorses the Forcecast!

Speaking of You Tube, there are some hilarious Star Wars-related videos over there:

Simpsons Duel - This is a parody of lightsaber duel between those ancient enemies of Bart Simpson and Principal Skinner. They even have the soundtrack of Duel of the Fates!

Star Wars Ragtime Piano - I am also a big Disney fan, so I was happy to discover this video of a ragtime piano player on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom doing Star Wars tunes.

Vader Being Wise Guy - Who ever did this video is either a film editor or should be given a job as one. The comedic timing is perfect and, unless you know the movies by heart like I do, you can't tell that the scene wasn't real!

Vader Calls Palpatine - This is a great what-if parody. What if we saw the scene of Vader telling Emperor Palpatine that the first Death Star was blown up. Hilarious!

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